
Elliott A. Best

Graduate Student

University of California Riverside

Riverside, CA


'Bounded by the Trefoil' is a Seifert Surface (bounded by the trefoil). The mathematical construction was done with Seifert's Algorithm and the freedom of design inherent in topological surfaces. The sculpture is based on a copper mesh frame with paper mache and acrylic paint. Contrasting black and blue colors are used to highlight the distinct sides of this orientable surface.


Image for entry 'Bounded By the Trefoil'

Bounded By the Trefoil

24 x 12 x 12 cm

Copper Mesh, Paper Mache


My piece, a Seifert Surface, is an orientable surface whose boundary is the trefoil knot. While studying knot theory as an undergraduate, I enjoyed the natural beauty in the patterns of knots. This beauty certainly carries over in adding a surface between the curves. I chose the trefoil as my starting knot because it seems that most often when nature is beautiful, the mathematics is simple. In creating a physical model, I found a deeper appreciation for the particular character of the trefoil knot.