
John W Snow

Professor of Mathematics

University of Mary Hardin-Baylor

Belton, Texas, USA


I started using mathematics and coding to generate images in 2013 when I first taught a programming class for artists. The mathematics is refreshing. The coding is relaxing. Producing a mathematical work that can be appreciated by a general audience is rewarding.


Image for entry 'Hidden'


21 x 21 cm

Digital Print


I randomly compose functions to create a function of two variables with composition tree of depth eight. I then select a random RGB color and interpret values of the function on the rectangle with corners (-1, -1) and (1, 1) as colors between the selected color and its RGB complement to create an image. It is not unusual for the images to display periodic repetition of objects, a balance of local and global symmetries, and the illusion of depth; however, it is also not uncommon for the images to contain only a hint of these regular features scattered across what otherwise appears to be a random background.