
Hanne Kekkonen

Assistant professor

Delft Institute of Applied Mathematics, TU Delft

Delft, Netherlands


I'm a mathematician who is interested in visualising different topological shapes. I was originally attracted to mathematical art by the possibilities offered by 3D-printing. However, I quickly realised that many printable shapes can also be crocheted. Nowadays I create shapes with several different materials, but I still find crocheting the easiest way of making complex shapes. For jewelry I mostly use copper and silver wire, and different weaving and viking knit techniques. After finding my grandmothers old lace crocheting hooks and vintage lace thread I have been experimenting creating small hyperbolic surfaces from elegant ivory and pearl sized earrings to these funkier gold shaded ones.


Image for look 'Hyperbolics'

About the look


Crocheted embroidery thread and brass


We are all familiar with the Euclidean geometry on a flat plane. Living on a globe we also see how the spherical geometry differs from the Euclidean one. But there is also a third, hyperbolic, geometry. For hundreds of years mathematicians tried to show that anything like hyperbolic space was an impossibility. After the existence of it was accepted in the nineteenth century many believed that it wasn't possible to model such a structure. However, in 1997 Dr. Daina Taimina realised that hyperbolic surfaces can be crocheted. These earrings consist of three hyperbolic surfaces with different constant negative curvature, the smallest ones having the largest curvature. They are made from gold shaded embroidery thread with a 0.8mm lace crochet hook.