2019 Bridges Conference Fashion Show
Kris Design for special people
I'm a guest of the research team of Contemporary Geometric Beadwork. Beads are my passion. I like to compare them with Lego: you can build anything with beads. I'm using different stitching techniques depending on the construction I want to achieve. Otherwise it's just thread and beads - seed beads mainly - that help me bring my fantasies to life. I draw a lot of inspiration from geometry. I love how repeating strong geometric shapes over and over again creates organic textures and optics.

About the look
Plastic beads, seed beads, thread
There are two mathematically relevant aspects about this design.
1- Geometry: Dedicating my this year's work to triangles icosahedra are a logical consequence that can't be left out!
2- Arithmetic: I incorporated a number of primes into this piece. There are 19 icosahedra featuring 17 colors, together with black&white it's 19 colors. The appearence of each color on the icosa-balls amounts to 2 and 3 including 3 singles.
Plastic beads, thread
A ribbon of triangles forms an "endless" spiral. That's the basic construction of this colorful bracelet. The gaps between the spiral's loops are closed with additional pairs of triangles.

About the look
Seed beads, thread
Gustav Klimt, my favourite Austrian painter, would have turned 101 this year (which is a prime btw...). In his honour I played with triangles featuring my interpretation of his characteristic patterns and colours. Klimt is using all sorts of geometric shapes in his work. Different types of triangles, circles, squares, rectangles, straight and curved lines. His shapes are never executed in a geometrically accurate way though. I took up this effect by using seed beads for my necklace instead of cylinder beeds which gives the piece a textile-like look and the vivid texture of Klimt's paintings.
So this seems to perfectly span the bridge between math and art....
Cylinder glass beads, thread
Equilateral triangles wish to be grouped by 6 to be able to lie flat in circles. Assembling only 5 of them makes nice little domes that add more texture to the topology.
This cuff is made from 15 domes creating interesting negative spaces and a light weight and vivid structure.
Cylinder glass beads, thread
A ribbon of black and white triangles forms an "endless" spiral. That's the basic construction of this bracelet. The gaps between the spiral's loops are closed with additional pairs of golden triangles.

About the look
seedbeads, thread
Equilateral triangles being my this year's theme I made a chain of an even number of interlinked 3D elements that can be worn orderly with every element sitting upright within its two neighbours or the more chaotic style by giving the chain a twist - see picture.
TRICORN bangle
Seed beads, thread
Matching the chain this bangle takes up the same shape characteristics but has more detailed patterns. It provocatively refuses to correspond the natural shape of a wrist.
FASSADE bracelet
Seed beads, thread
This bracelet is made from interlinked cubes forming a spiral while switching between black and white. Each cube is selfsupporting and stiff enough to remain in accurate shape despite their neighbours' weight.