

My art work is based on Tessellations, Transformations of Tessellations, Infinity Images, 3D Minimal Art Objects and Optical Minimal Art. I use my own algorithms to derive my artwork. The purpose of my art is to surprise te spectator.


Image for entry 'Two Conformal Chessboards: a Tribute to M.C. Escher in the Crop Fields of Fryslân'

Two Conformal Chessboards: a Tribute to M.C. Escher in the Crop Fields of Fryslân


Henk Rusman, Hans Kuiper, Rik Kuiper, Frank Maters, Risky Gerilya, de Volkskrant



This short film gives an impression of the execution of a huge artwork in a crop field as a tribute to M.C. Escher. It was part of Leeuwarden Fryslân, Cultural Capital of Europe 2018. Hans Kuiper designed a transformed tessellation: two conformal transformed chessboards fused together. It was carried out by 12 people in 12 hours. The edges of the chessboard fields are hyperboles. This landscape artwork could be viewed from a higher level from a Ferris wheel.