
Andrea Dozmati



I got familiar with mathematical art just a few years ago, but I instantly became passionate about it. Artworks using mathematical methods represent an exciting and creative art trend, which gives me the opportunity to express my artistic side through the images I create and enables the continuous development of my mathematical knowledge through coding and adapting methods for my pictures.


Image for entry 'Hidden spirals'

Hidden spirals

45 x 30 cm

Canvas print


When I started to explore the artistic opportunities in logarithmic spirals, I first created a code to draw a spiral using polar equation r = a*e^(b*t), with b as a random value. Then I set all points to be represented with the same spiral, but in different size. The result is two set of spirals: first, the marker spirals, where the random lightness value is held constant for each spiral. Second, any Nth point of all marker spirals build up to be a separate logarithmic spiral, where the lightness of the points therefore follow the order of how lightness changes from one marker spiral to the other. The hue range for the picture is random too, and the hue value is set according to the distance of each point from the center within this range.
Image for entry 'Honeymoon'


30 x 20 cm

Canvas print


My first inspiration was complex number fractals, but later I started to focus on fractal landscape generation methods. To create the sunset the base color codes for the sky are added using the diamond-square algorithm. The colors for the glowing effect are then calculated based on the original color allocated to the point and its distance from the Sun, ensuring that it blends into the sky. The bright points of the golden bridge are selected randomly within isosceles triangles, giving bigger probability to the selection of a point when it is closer to the Sun. Finally, the diamond-square algorithm is used again to generate the texture of the sea with the golden bridge.