2019 Bridges Conference

Anduriel Widmark


Anduriel Widmark


Denver, Colorado, USA




Art is a good excuse to play. Play is a fun way to try on new realities. Exploring patterns and symmetry through abstraction presents an opportunity to look outside of a regular pattern of seeing. Relationships between underlying forces exemplify the inseparability of structure and narration. Structures and voids organize a lattice around these distinctions and connections.


Image for entry 'Hexogramoknot'


14 x 14 x 14 cm

flame worked borosilicate glass


This is a complex knot based on an open arrangement of infinitely repeating cylinders know as hexastix. Hexastix, when extended to infinity, occupies approximately 68 percent of space. The ends of extended rods were connected to outward crossing neighbors, creating loops and arches that join in a continuous fashion. The network of glass creates a dynamic interaction of shadows and light.
Image for entry 'Linking About'

Linking About

5 x 5 x 5 cm

borosilicate flame worked glass


A small glass link made of three components. Based on a non-intersecting cubic lattice this sculpture has a strong three fold symmetry. Creating tiny gaps without melting all the glass together is a fun technical challenge.