Stefan Pautze
Playing with shapes is what I prefer. I let them grow in the way I miss and see seldom in the world. They have to be disturbing, strange and living. No contrast is more interesting for me than the one between the beauty and the threat, describing the same object or being. This is what I try to catch. As long as both impressions balance each other the situation is unpredictable - a synonym for the complexity and the many-sidedness of life. Aperiodic tilings fit into this pattern and yield great aesthetic qualities: they please and dazzle the eye of the beholder. I wanted to understand the underlying mathematics from the scratch and so I started my research.

CAST DTO 5-1.3
90 x 60 cm
Vector graphic
The graphic appeared as a result of my research.
It shows a large patch of a cyclotomic aperiodic substitution tiling with dense tile orientations, finite local complexity, minimal inflation multiplier and individual dihedral symmetry D10.

CAST DTO 4-1.6
90 x 60 cm
Vector graphic
The graphic appeared as a result of my research.
It shows a large patch of a cyclotomic aperiodic substitution tiling with dense tile orientations, finite local complexity, minimal inflation multiplier and individual dihedral symmetry D8.