
I'm a former college math teacher from California. After using Mathematica for 25 years in the classroom, teacher workshops, and conference talks, I am now a 3D math artist and interactive book author. My students used to create mathematical graphics, movies, and sounds; either as class assignments or purely for pleasure. The present work involves Fourier series, trigonometry, and visual effects.


Image for entry 'Square Wave Mountains'

Square Wave Mountains

45 x 50 cm

Inkjet Print on Canvas


Additional info

Based on the Fourier Approximation of a square wave by trig functions, the x and y components are multiplied together to achieve a 3D function whose z-value spends most of its time near 1 or -1. Some fake water is added, and the whole thing has been zoom-blurred for your viewing pleasure. Can you tell how many sine terms were used? (click the More Info link to see this model in 3D!)
Image for entry 'Sloppy Fourier Cube'

Sloppy Fourier Cube

45 x 50 cm

Inkjet Print on Canvas


Additional info

This is a rough trig estimate of a regular cube. Each coordinate (x, y, z) is given by different Fourier square wave approximations. The functions have different periods, and the three coordinates mostly hang out near 1 or -1. This is a continuous path so the curve can't trace out just the cube edges. Why is that? (click More Info to view the sloppy cube on the beach!)