2019 Bridges Conference

David Press & Kevin Fernandez


David H. Press

Artist & retired math and computer teacher

Blind Brook Middle School

Rye Brook, NY, USA





I am dedicated to fully exploring the possibilities of three dimensional shapes formed from straight lines. For inspiration I draw on the work of 19th century mathematician and model maker Theodore Olivier and artists Ken Snelson, Alexander Calder and Naum Gabo. The pieces in this show each concentrate on creating two reflecting surfaces in different colors. In Reversing Astroids I’ve created two different astroid shapes in orange and green that appear to move in opposite directions when the piece is spinning. In Double Strung Mickey and Oval I’ve taken a shape designed by string artist Kevin Fernandez (@artwork.e.v) from Montjean-sur-Loire, France and strung two slightly different surfaces in colors to reflect uv light.


Image for entry 'Double Strung Mickey and Oval'

Double Strung Mickey and Oval

40 x 50 x 45 cm

Wood and thread


This piece is a collaboration for David Press and Kevin Fernandez (@artwork.e.v). It is a double surface piece with one surface broken to add additional color, an experiment with changing the direction of a ruled surface.
Image for entry 'Reversing Astroids'

Reversing Astroids

60 x 30 x 30 cm

Wood and thread


This piece is designed to look like it has orange and green astroids moving in opposite directions - one is expanding while the other is contracting. It is strung with ultraviolet reactive thread to enhance the reversing effect. One of the two different colored surfaces is a reflection of the other.