2019 Bridges Conference

George Hart and Elisabeth Heathfield



This is our first collaboration as sculptor and encaustic painter together. Working beside each other in two very different media, with very different processes, we were inspired to create this joint piece that combines and juxtaposes our individual aesthetics. Laser-cut wood is a 2D medium, used here to create a 3D form, while wax is traditionally used three-dimensionally, but here has been reduced to a flat surface.


Image for entry 'Mimesis'


20 x 60 x 10 cm

Laser-cut wood (stained) and encaustic and oil on panel


Mimesis is the act of imitation, here with a play between two and three dimensions. The central wood orb comprises twenty four pentagonal components arranged in the planes of two concentric dodecahedra. It is flanked by two encaustic panels that decompose the underlying structure into basic two-dimensional forms. The unity of the work lies in its multiple expressions of a core geometric concept. The viewer is invited to construct and deconstruct the piece to form their own mental mimesis of the mathematical ideas presented.