
Josep Rey Nadal

Mathematical artist and creative museographer

MMACA (Mathematics Museum of Catalonia)

La Garriga, Catalonia, Spain


Mathematician, former teacher, artist, mathematical and creative museographer of Mathematics Museum of Catalonia.


Image for entry 'Sphere of segments and colors'

Sphere of segments and colors

55 x 55 x 55 cm

Cypress wood and steel screws


This object, with 12 pentagons and 20 triangles, can be considered a rotegrity. It's interactive and it's build with 30 similar pieces. No tools are needed, only your hands. These pieces are decorated with 5 colours, 6 of each one, and can be arranged however the user likes. One of the possible arrangements is with all the pentagons painted differently. From the 24 cyclical permutations of 5 colours, you can get 12, all of them with the same parity. There are 20 possibilities to arrange 3 colours of 5 to ensemble the triangles and all of them are possible. Thus, all the triangles can be different. This object has chirality. You can build the object or its specular image.