2019 Bridges Conference

Jacinto Eloy Puig Portal


Jacinto Eloy Puig Portal

Professor of Mathematics

Universidad de los Andes

Bogotá, Colombia




Graduated from the Faculty of Mathematics and Cybernetics of the University of Havana, Cuba. (1972) PhD in pedagogy at the Moscow State University of Padagogy (1984). Dierector of two doctoral theses and four master's theses. Teaching category: Full Professor of the Republic of Cuba. For 20 years I have studied in detail the work of M. C. Escher. I have been in charge of the Escher Geometry and Art course for more than 15 years at the Universidad de los Andes. In this course students make designs inspired in the work of Escher. Finally I have come to build my own digital art proposal inspired by the work of Escher. The Symmetric Asymmetries series consists of more than 200 jobs. You can see some of them in my Instagram account.


Image for entry 'Symmetric asymmetries 3'

Symmetric asymmetries 3

30 x 30 cm

Jaba Kali, Gimp, hyperbolic transformation with the web resource published by Malin Christersson


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In his woodcut Snakes Escher juxtaposes three serpents drawn in the Euclidean plane on an interpretation of the hyperbolic disc of Henry Poincare. In symmetrical asymmetries three and four we have been inspired by this work. We start with the design of a wallpaper with the Java Kali program. We colored it with the Gimp program and transformed it into an oil painting. Finally we make a hyperbolic transformation with the web resource published by Malin Christersson.
Image for entry 'Symmetric asymmetries 4'

Symmetric asymmetries 4

30 x 30 cm

Jaba Kali, Gimp, hyperbolic transformation with the web resource published by Malin Christersson


Additional info

If we observe at the work Symmetric asymmetries 4, we can find some similarities with the work Symmetric asymmetries 3. In this case we have started from the same initial design in the Euclidean plane, but a small variation has been made in effecting the hyperbolic transformation, which results in a very different configuration; it is an graphic allegory to the Lorenz metaphor. You can visit my site in instragram that is artmath2018. https://www.instagram.com/artmath2018/?hl=en