Manuel Diaz Regueiro
Manuel Diaz Regueiro
Math Teacher, Retired
Lugo, Galiza, Spain
This year the theme is incredible D-forms. Why incredible? Following Tony Willis, (Bridges 2006): -D-Forms are proving to be equally hard to predict with computing. -This is something that CAD programmes simply cannot do. -What I know for sure is that D-Forms are almost always beautiful, curious shapes that deserve much deeper research and understanding. D-Forms are ‘an open problem’. Well, this D-form was mathematically thought and elaborated with a CAD program; it is beautiful, and there are many other similar D-forms that can be constructed.

Hearts in love
11 x 14 x 14 cm
Versatile Plastic 3d
Several symmetries design the d-form: as a solid, we can make 2 equal divisions, 4 or 8 solids in order to reconstruct the total form. As surfaces, with 4 equal developable surfaces we can construct the figure, with 2 or 8 equal surfaces we obtain the total composite form.
With two visible hearts in two directions (in the third, a square). A visual puzzle of composition and decomposition. An easy way to fabricate bags and backpacks.
A really magic solid that introduce a new kind of problems: amazing solids that can be divided and reconstructed with equal developable surfaces or equal solids.