
Saara Lehto

Science Education Coordinator

LUMA Centre Finland / University of Helsinki

Helsinki, Finland


As a mathematician and as an artist, I enjoy the actualization of an abstract idea (or it's shadow) into a physical form by creating, inhabiting or experiencing the idea inside myself or through what I am doing.


Image for entry 'Fractal Rose Window'

Fractal Rose Window

36 x 36 cm

pencil & ink on paper, digital art, print on canvas


For this piece I was searching for a fractal shape that would have a distinctive self-similarity, yet be new and original as artwork. The work is inspired by stained glass rose windows.
Image for entry 'Divisible Dreams'

Divisible Dreams

36 x 36 cm

pencil & ink on paper, digital art, print on canvas


The artwork depicts least common multiples (lcm) and divisibility. The visualization method by Saara Lehto, Anne-Maria Ernvall-Hytönen and Tommi Sottinen is called Divisible Skylines: for integers n and m, towers of height n are drawn on multiples of n and towers of height m are drawn on multiples of m until the towers meet at lcm(n,m). The outside circle of the artwork shows the Divisible Skyline of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 with differently styled towers. Inside the circle, a necklace demonstrates the skyline of integers 3, 5, 6 and 10 with circles, and the background is made of overlapping circle skylines of integers 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8. Divisible Skylines can be played with at: