2019 Bridges Conference

Sabetta Matsumoto


Sabetta Matsumoto

Associate Professor of Physics

School of Physics, Georgia Tech

Atlanta, Georgia, USA




Sabetta Matsumoto is an Assistant Professor in the School of Physics at the Georgia Institute of Technology. She uses differential geometry, knot theory and geometric topology to understand the geometry of materials and their mechanical properties. She is passionate about using textiles, 3D printing and virtual reality to teach geometry and topology to the public.


Image for entry 'Woven Hopf Fibrations jewelry'

Woven Hopf Fibrations jewelry

15 x 15 x 8 cm

3D print cast in silver


This matching set of pendant and earrings depicts a pair of orthogonal Hopf fibrations on the Clifford torus. To get the weave, each curve in the fibration is undulated normal to the Clifford torus in S^3. These resulting woven ribbons were stereographically projected down to R^3. These pieces were 3D printed in wax and cast in silver.