2019 Icerm Illustrating Mathematics
David Bachman, Saul Schleimer, and Henry Segerman
Saul Schleimer
Reader in Mathematics
Mathematics Institute, University of Warwick
Coventry, United Kingdom
David Bachman is a professor at Pitzer College in Claremont, CA. David studies geometry and topology, and enjoys creating 3D sculptures that illustrate these ideas. Saul Schleimer is a geometric topologist, working at the University of Warwick. His other interests include combinatorial group theory and computation. He is especially interested in the interplay between these fields and additionally in the visualization of ideas from these fields. Henry Segerman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mathematics at Oklahoma State University. His interests include geometry and topology, 3D printing, virtual reality, and spherical video.

Cannon-Thurston Maps
82 x 82 cm
Four digital prints