
David H. Press

Artist & retired math and computer teacher

Blind Brook Middle School

Rye Brook, NY, USA




I am dedicated to fully exploring the possibilities of three dimensional shapes formed by straight lines. Symmetry makes it easier to suspend a form in midair as the forces pull it in all directions equally. For inspiration I draw on the work of four people. Foremost is 19th century mathematician and model maker Theodore Olivier whose 19th century string sculptures beautifully represented mathematical shapes. Of other artists, Naum Gabo provides me a constructivist vision, Alexander Calder a focus on color, shape, lightness and movement, and Kenneth Snelson an understanding of tensegrity. I’ve recently concentrated on producing multi-layer designs. “Reflecting Ruled Surfaces in Lime and Yellow” is an example.


Image for entry 'Reflecting Ruled Surfaces in Lime and Yellow'

Reflecting Ruled Surfaces in Lime and Yellow

55 x 55 x 40 cm

wood and cotton


I was drawn to this piece by the challenge of creating two ruled surfaces that were topologically similar and wanted to float 3 wooden frames in one piece. I usually suspend only two wooden shapes. The piece demonstrates the concepts of ruled surfaces and tensegrity and finished up as a very meditative piece.