2019 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Sandra DeLozier Coleman
Sandra DeLozier Coleman
Poet, Writer, Artist, Retired Professor of Mathematics
University of Connecticut, Avery Point
Groton, Connecticut
Returning from a Paris trip that allowed time for simple walks around our neighborhood, I have a renewed appreciation for a city built upon centuries old, carefully planned symmetries. Books have celebrated the doors of Paris, whose variously colored double panels are often ornamented with carved designs or surrounded by bas-relief sculptures, offering additional layers of symmetry. A favorite sight for visitors is a passageway in La Place des Vosges where a large arch for cars is flanked by two smaller arched passageways for pedestrians, all passing through and under a building that is a virtual tribute to symmetry. Rose windows, arched windows, symmetrical alcoves and columns fill so many churches and quintessentially Parisian buildings.

Compass Rose
50 x 50 cm
Ink on Paper