2020 Bridges Conference

Jacinto Eloy Puig Portal


Jacinto Eloy Puig Portal

Professor of Mathematics

Universidad de los Andes

Bogotá, Colombia




I am Jacinto Eloy Puig Portal, graduate of the Faculty of Mathematics and Computing in the University of Havana Cuba (1972) and Doctor of Pedagogy from the Moscow State Pedagogical University, Russia (1984). I have lived in Colombia since 1998. For 20 years I have studied the work of the Dutch designer M.C. Escher, and simultaneously, I´ve had in charge for 17 years the elective course Escher, Geometry and Art, offered by the Department of Mathematics of the Universidad de los Andes in Bogotá Colombia. I´ve presented exhibitions and presentations at various scientific events in several cities in Colombia and at international conferences in Argentina, Brazil -XIII CIAEM, South Korea-ICME-12, Germany-ICME 13 and the United States-CICIC 2019.


Image for entry 'Symmetrics Asymmetries, 12 configurations.'

Symmetrics Asymmetries, 12 configurations.

50 x 50 cm

Java Kali, Gimp and the Malin Christersson resource: Make hyperbolic Tilings


This technique represents an updated development of the series "Circular Limits" elaborated by M.C. Escher and specifically his latest work, "Snakes." In this work a juxtaposition is made between a C-3 rosette (3-petal cyclic) and a reinterpretation of Henri Poincare's hyperbolic disc. In this technique used by Escher, I found the key to the development my own technique. In the asymmetric symmetries collection, process start from the design of a wallpaper, rosette or frieze in the Euclidean plane and then several topological transformations applied to obtain a Droste effect, a hyperbolic tessellation, or a false symmetry. In this work I present 12 configurations that show us graphically the butterfly effect.