
Stefano Arrighi

Advanced Geometries Department

Studio Olafur Eliasson

Berlin, Germany


The Advanced Geometries Department of Studio Olafur Eliasson explores geometric, physical and natural phenomena in order to develop concepts and ideas for works of art.


Image for entry 'Primary Knot'

Primary Knot

20 x 20 x 20 cm

3d print (Gypsum/Salt/Colored binder)


This artwork is part of a serie of 3-dmentional color gradients. Each geometry is based on a specific torus knot where the amount of color follows the amount of coils of the curve. In this specific case the gradient is generated by 3 main colors (red, green and blue) as it follows the knot T(3,4) with 3 coils around the torus and 4 turns around the axis. Travelling along the curve, the colors blend together in a broad spectrum of variations that helps to navigate the geometry.