2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Ellie Baker
Ellie Baker
Artist and Computer Scientist
Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
I'm drawn to crafting objects whose construction requires puzzle-solving, such as this toroidal scarf and bracelet set. The scarf, made from fabric I designed for an earlier piece (exhibited JMM 2016), uses a transforming bead crochet tessellation pattern, based on puzzles described in the book, Crafting Conundrums, that I coauthored with Susan Goldstine. But it incorporates a new “twist” — both tori are also trefoil knots. For the bracelet, this is straightforward. For the scarf, however, this required understanding how to construct an inverted trefoil-knotted torus, so that I might sew it in its inverted form (which looks quite strange and different) and then turn it right-side out to hide the raw seam edges on the interior.

Trefoil-knotted Toroidal Scarf and Bracelet
40 x 40 cm
Crepe de Chine fabric, glass seed beads, thread