2020 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Jeffrey Stewart Ely
Jeffrey Stewart Ely
Associate Professor of Computer Science
The Department of Mathematical Sciences, Lewis and Clark College
Portland, Oregon, USA
I am interested in applying computer graphical techniques to illuminate mathematical processes and objects. Ideally, this can lead to a deeper understanding or at least to an increased appreciation and awareness of the process or object. Some of my projects are implemented as billions of particles, others use the ray tracing technique and hundreds of millions of rays. In either case, I do not use "canned" software, preferring to write the code myself to first principles.

Sum i=1,5 Helix^i
60 x 40 cm
Metal Print
This image of helices coiled around other helices was an
exercise in recursive programming and parametric equations,
with a liberal use of tangent, normal, and binormal vectors
to specify finer and finer 'helices' beyond the original
true helix. It is hoped that the abuses of notation in the title
will be forgiven.