
Regina Bittencourt

Software Developer and Mathematical Artist

MuArt Mujeres en el Arte; APECh; ESMA

Santiago, Chile


Even though our culture has two separate disciplines for mathematics and art, I feel that mathematics is of unique intrinsic beauty. And it is what I wanted to show when doing each artwork: to express the beauty of a curve, the game of algorithms and how the organization of numbers can form algebraic surfaces. I want to discover the beauty of mathematics.


Image for entry 'A Colorful World and a Shared Future'

A Colorful World and a Shared Future

48 x 48 cm

Giclée on museum canvas


Image rendered using 5 polynomial equations. Each one displays different algebraic surfaces: 3 of them are the ribbons that surround the sphere. And the star is a Barth Sextic surface. The polynomial equations are: x^3+y^3+z^3+1-0.5*a*(x+y+z+1)^3=0 x^2+y^2+z^2-50=0 x^2-y^2-z*a=0 and x^3*y+y^3*z+z^3*x=0 The image represents our world on the infinite of the universe. Harmony in diversity, beauty, good fortune, wealth, fertility and hope, surround our world in colored ribbons. The beautiful star is our shared bright golden future.