My computer graphics explorations serve as a point of departure for a series of prints or sculptures. I explore the dynamic factor of line. Generative art results in precise images with perfect lines that follow premeditated transformations. I started working with computers by programming.
I could include color, shade, patterns, apply clipping algorithms, rotate and paste content into other images, zoom and transform. Then, photosilkscreen and photolithograph gave me a new level of color combinations.
I work with two dimensional shapes and three dimensional forms to explore the role of mathematics in description of natural laws. I examine beauty and patterns in basic concepts. Balance in geometry delivers endless solutions for art.
The solar time has its discrepancy. Measuring devices need to be reconciled. Analemma was drawn on sand with a stick. Measuring devices and our thinking modes improved. We look at various concepts from different angles and with knowledge taking exponential growth.
This sculpture, at some level of playfulness, looks at the multidisciplinary crossovers. Metronome marks time at a selected rate, a pendulum restores its force due to gravity, a Newton’s cradle uses conservation of momentum and energy. As for time, we rarely discuss the speed or velocity of time, its potential or kinetic energy, elasticity or momentum. We discuss motion on many levels. We begin thinking in a metaphorical way, which can support new ideas, but also misconceptions
The square was promoted to a cube, the circle to a sphere. They had a long history of arguing.
The cube was ambiguous when drawn but could serve for bigger forms without any loss of space and enjoying a feel of being perfect.
The sphere could move faster but with no control. The symmetrical sphere had all points on the surface at the same distance from the center but had no edges or vertices. With only one surface, it could not be called a polyhedron nor compete with one.
The argument turned into a mutual admiration (which could be seen as cooperation). Not one mathematician could help by squaring a circle. They weighted their own advantage, compromised by shaping a new form. The only problem to fix was its name.