Artworks based on harmoniously related areas and forms interest me. I am exploring the Sacred Cut from ancient geometry. It is a geometric system of proportions constructed using a compass and a straight edge. The compass is positioned at a vertex of a square. An arc is struck from one side of the square to an adjacent side which passes through the center. When arcs are cut from all four corners they meet at the center and the Sacred Cut diagram is complete. A grid of horizontal and vertical lines drawn from the eight points where arcs intersect with the edges of the square can be added. From that visual logic, the fun begins for creative designs.
Sacred Cut 3
12 x 12 cm
Silverpoint and 24K Gold on Coated Paper
I created this drawing by hand using the rare Renaissance technique of metalpoint. For my drafting tools, I used a compass and a straight edge. I inserted a sterling silver wire in the compass in place of a graphic point. I drew a Sacred Cut diagram (described in my statement) for the basic geometric structure. I added parallel arcs and selected segments to form the image. I then drew over the guidelines with a sterling silver stylus. Finally, I added illumination with 24 karat shell gold. The drawing exhibits rotational symmetries.
Sacred Cut 2
12 x 12 cm
Silverpoint and 24K Gold on Coated Paper
I created this drawing by hand using the rare Renaissance technique of metalpoint. For my drafting tools, I used a compass and a straight edge. I inserted a sterling silver wire in the compass in place of a graphite point. I drew a Sacred Cut diagram (described in my statement) for the basic geometric structure. I added parallel arcs and selected segments to form the image. I then drew over the guidelines with a sterling silver stylus. Finally, I added illumination with 24 karat shell gold. The drawing exhibits rotational symmetries.