2021 Bridges Conference

Amada Soledad Navarrete Perez


Amada Soledad Navarrete Perez

Artist and Mathematical Engineer

Santiago, Chile




My work is a very personal exploration. It shows what excites and moves me: placing energy on an object through my hands. For me it is almost a physical and spiritual need. I feel delighted by the hidden traces and strokes artists leave unknowingly on their artwork. We do not easily perceive these traces which are the remnant of an energy, the same one we need for everyone’s survival. I want this energy to imprint my own life, this is why I have lately been incorporating my other passion on my work- mathematical engineering - and I have been creating works in a mathematical key.


Image for entry 'Coral Reef at the center with four details'

Coral Reef at the center with four details

39 x 64 x 1 cm

Acrylic and watercolor on treated cardboard


The movement and shapes of water on any surface inspires this Coral Reef work. Connecting the study of physical parameters like viscosity, density, porosity, fluids and art materials with specific mathematical models, give us the possibility to associate them in an artwork. It is a physical process supported by mathematical models described on a paper that we present at this conference. The technique allows you also “to surf” digitally inside the work, change angles and get different views of a coral reef.