2021 Bridges Conference

Ellen Oppenheimer


Peralta Elementary School Students working with Ellen Oppenheimer


Peralta Elementary School

Oakland CA USA



The geometry and patterns of quilts is very compelling and fascinating to me. Within this context I am exploring a balance of color, line and form. I am also able to refer to historical or traditional textiles. Ideally my quilts represent a logical and chronological progression of the history of traditional American quilts. Beyond quilts I want these pieces to resemble and suggest different traditional, woven or embroidered textiles from all over the world. I want them to be essentially “textile” while they are still quilts. In the series of quilts that I am currently working on I create complex designs by silk-screening layers of pattern on the fabric with inks and dyes.


Image for entry 'SOL #1'

SOL #1

78 x 78 x 2 cm

Quilt - Fabric, Batting, Inks and Dye


SOL #1 is the fist in a series of quilts using a pattern that has angles that are not 45° or 90°