2021 Bridges Conference

Heiner Saẞmannshausen


Heiner Saẞmannshausen


Zurich, Switzerland



I am a hobby artist and creator with a background in science. I am moved by the question of how art originates between conceptual planning and (mathematical) structure on one side and the release of creative (sometimes random) elements on the other side. Both aspects seem to be required to a certain degree, and often one emerges from the other in the process. I am generally fascinated by the emergence of macroscopic structure, meaning, and beauty from basic principles and I also like to give my creations possibilities for different levels of observation and interpretation. A peculiarity of mine, slightly related, is my passion for “easter eggs”. I choose the technique of wood burning for its naturalness, sustainability and longevity.


Image for entry 'Transcendental Beech'

Transcendental Beech

80 x 199 cm



Additional info

The image consists of a single line following the pattern of a "space-filling" Hilbert curve and small rings attached to it. The number of rings in each unit square corresponds to a digit of $\pi$, which is thereby encoded in the work. I leave it to you to estimate (or calculate) how many rings there are in the picture above. From left to right, more unit squares are left empty, breaking the mathematical concept. This represents the finite nature of human endeavor in contrast to the transcendental nature of $\pi$. The organic representation of the Hilbert curve refutes algorithmic reproduction and make the work unique. It has been inspired by contemporary “calligraffiti” and ancient Egyptian and Assyrian writings carved in rock.