
Jana Kopfová

Associate Professor of Mathematics

Mathematical Institute of the Silesian University

Opava, Czech Republic


As a child, I dreamed to study mathematics and art. I became a profesional mathematician and my love of art is my hobby. I am trying to spread the beauty of mathematics through all what I do - through my lectures, through math circles to high school students, through animated movies about math, which I helped to create, and lately also through my art creations. I love flowers and geometrical designs and playing with the technique a colors.


Image for entry 'Inside triangles'

Inside triangles

20 x 20 x 1 cm

Silk paint


Inside triangles is a work inspired by my students struggles with geometry. They often confuse center of the triangle with other important points like circumcenter or orthocenter or center of the incircle. They also often tend to claim that for example medians are always perpendicular to the side of the triangle. I created fractals from the center of the triangle (blue and purple pictures) and from the center of the incircle (green and red) and tried to show how fractals from those 2 different points can create wonderful patterns similar in some sense and different in other sense. Pictures also have rotational symmetry in patterns and colours as well. Look, search, compare and enjoy.