
Josep Tarrés


Mathematics Museum of Catalonia

Girona, Catalonia, Spain


I have interests in engineering applied to STEM. Therefore, I am involved in creating objects that have a geometric background with not only educational math content but also industrial applications. They have to be beautiful in order to be appealing to everyone.


Image for entry 'Dissected pentachoron'

Dissected pentachoron

30 x 35 x 30 cm



The pentachoron (5-cell, 4-simplex) is made of 5 tetrahedron, each one joined at the other 4 by their faces, 10 triangles (faces), 10 edges, and 5 vertices; the vertex-first projection is a 3D representation with a vertex at the center. On the other hand, dissections with polytopes are hardly used. The dissected pentachoron from above is a proposal of its partitioning in 2 equal polyhedral forms made of 2 tetrahedrons. It has several features: for instance, all edges are reachable because there are no inner edges anymore; however, 2 faces are not shown (they are non-reachable). This mockup might be used as a didactic tool.