
Gianluca Stasi

Architect, Activist, Artist, PhD Student at Architecture Faculty of the Universidad de Sevilla.

Seville, Spain


Architect by training, I have privately explored the fields of mathematics and geometry. Today they constitute a cornerstone of my practice which focuses on architectural processes linked to socio-cultural processes At the same time I develop a more intimate artistic production in which I explore with freedom and curiosity those ideas and questions that lie beneath the surface during the typical architectural practice, without the pressures that socio-cultural processes imply For me, artworks are an opportunity to develop the more spiritual aspects of research. During architectural works there is a continuous interaction with the community, while during the production of artworks, silence and serenity promote reflection and epiphanies


Image for entry 'Untitled nº5'

Untitled nº5

35 x 35 x 35 cm

Wooden popsicle sticks and copper wire


Until 2020, my geometric productions had always materialized in large-scale configurations, the smallest of which was 2.3 meters in diameter. Lockdown limited the access to production means and spaces, but it did not diminish my geometric restlessness. The reduced size presented new challenges, both techniques and tools had to be configured to work at this scale of materials and geometry In this model, based on the configuration of nexorades nodes on the geometry of the snub dodecahedron, "perfect" symmetry is deliberately avoided to endow the result with a small twist and movement that makes it impossible to find the "perfect" viewpoint while inviting the observer to persist in the search