2021 Bridges Conference

Marcel Tünnissen


Marcel Tünnissen

Freelance Artist

Hörby, Sweden




As a polyhedron builder I prefer to build polyhedra that not many have built before and I try to keep them small. I use Chromolux paper which is a glossy cardboard for which the colours hardly fade. It requires more care since it is very sensitive to glue.


Image for entry 'Compound of Fifteen Cubes'

Compound of Fifteen Cubes

23 x 23 x 23 cm



Additional info

This compound is the biggest fundamental compound of cubes that doesn't have a rotational freedom. It is mentioned in Verheyen's book "Symmetry Orbits" and a simplified model is shown as well. Ever since I noticed that the smallest pieces were missing I wanted to make a complete model. The smallest pieces have a side that is only 1 mm, which was quite a challenge both to cut and to glue. This compound of 15 cubes can be interpreted as a multiplication between the two classical compounds of 5 and 3 cubes, where every cube in the compound of 5 is replaced by a classical compound of 3 cubes. This was used to divide the colours. Picture by: https://www.photoartstudio.se/