2021 Bridges Conference

Manuel Diaz Regueiro


Manuel Diaz Regueiro


Math Teacher, Retired

Lugo, Galiza, Spain




The truth is that my specialty is l-system fractals, so I made hundreds of 3d and thousands of 2d. In addition, some of my works have polyhedra as framework. What better way than to make an artwork that is at the same time a fractal built with polyhedra? And not just any polyhedron, but the stella octangula is the first iteration of the 3D analogue of a Koch snowflake.


Image for entry 'Sierpinski tetrahedral of Stella octangula'

Sierpinski tetrahedral of Stella octangula

24 x 21 x 22 cm



Additional info

Sierpinski tetrahedral of Stella octangula Coxeter said that regular polyhedra were studied, first and foremost, for their beauty. Kepler's stella octangula is beautiful, in fact, one of the few polyhedra sold as pendants. One of the problems we have left is to tile the space, in an aesthetic way. In this case leaving gaps. We have two solutions: Hiding the interior, or highlighting the interior void with skeletal figures. In this case we present a Sierpinski tetrahedron-like formation in which the openings of it are protruding or incoming produced by Stella. The figure is composed of triangles, which reinforces its rigidity. Of course, it is a fractal to which we can add layers of Stella Octangula.