

Rinus Roelofs published the paper Connected holes for the 2008 Bridges conference and it was a great source of inspiration. 2009 Vladimir Bulatov published a paper outlining how to use polyhedra stellations to create these kind of sculptures. I am working on a larger sculpture based on the Icosahedron, just like in Bulatovs paper. These weaved polyhedra sculptures are more often than not connected into one single shape. But when the number of faces that meet at each vertex in the polyhedron are even, like in this sculpture that I've based on the Octahedron, you get two unconnected pieces. I have even found one polyhedron that results in three unconnected pieces. This process results in two or more unique shapes in rotational symmetry.


Image for entry 'Octa'


16 x 16 x 16 cm



This sculpture has been slipcast in liquid clay and fired in a ceramics oven. The clay is poured into plaster molds and the whole sculpture is made up of two different shapes, eight of each. The sixteen pieces are then glued together using the same liquid clay. I have 3d-printed supports to hold the pieces in place while drying. And the plaster molds also started as 3d-printed plastic molds which were later cast in silicone from which I could cast the final plaster molds.