2021 Bridges Conference

Seiya Kirihara, Yuki Kobayashi


Seiya Kirihara, Yuki Kobayashi


Osaka City University

Osaka, Japan



I am a student of the department of architecture, Osaka City University. I am interested in geometric modeling and digital fabrication. During my research, I became interested in foldable structures. In my graduation thesis, I researched geometrically interesting foldable structure.


Image for entry 'Kiri-Ori-gami foldable pavillion'

Kiri-Ori-gami foldable pavillion

15 x 25 x 20 cm

Kent paper and Styrene board


This art work is a flexible sponge surface based on truncated octahedra. This model consists of panel-hinge framework. Hinge parts are created by folding (like Origami).This model has two major features. It can be folded flat (see upper photo) and it is possible to raise this solid by adding three pillars of truncated octahedra into this model (see lower photo). By adding three pillars of truncated octahedra into this model, the entire structure becomes rigid. We envisioned this model that people could pass through and stay in, and created it at 1/50 scale.