2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Curtis L Palmer
Curtis L Palmer
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
50 years ago I started modelling geometries based on the icosahedron with aid of computer. As a bipedal ape that did not evolve with computers as a selection pressure, I have done my best to cope. I hate when people say "My thinking has evolved!" If I said, 'I hate the people who said such nonsense.' you could arrest me. To be generous those people may have 'learned'? I am the product of evolution but I have not evolved nor will I. I can only learn. Evolution is a generational thing. Sacred. From chaos some structures arose with essence of 5 to make a concave eye. My eye has constrained me to be a Raster Man, delighted by 5's intimate relation with 3 and 2, simultaneously embodied in the icosahedron, as shown.

My Man Del Brought 3 Icosahedra to the Party
48 x 33 cm
electrons, silicon, photons, brain, paper, ink