2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Davide Prete
Davide Prete
Assistant Professor of Art
College of Art and Sciences, University of the District of Columbia
Washington DC, USA
My latest experiments blend traditional sculptural techniques with binding jetting technology. Using toroidal warping of a truncated Scherk minimal surface shapes, I made a series of work that use 3D modeling and 3D printing as the first step for the creation of complicated mathematical shapes. My latest research uses an infiltration process on 3D printed silica sand to make larger 3D printed parts more stable and resistant. This technique can be used to create large parts (up to 4000x2000x500 mm) in one print with a material resistant to outdoor conditions.

Across the Sands of Time
42 x 16 x 16 cm
Infiltrated 3D Printed Silica Sand