Ed Munn
Artist biologist
Fulbourn, Cambridge, England
My drawings, known as OneLinerImages ('OneLineimages', 'OneLiners' or 'OLIs') were originally conceived as representations of plants and animals to show both the recognisable form of the whole organisms and the external and internal membrane structure of the cells of which they are composed. Additionally, they are intended to convey the interactions between individuals and between individuals and their environment. They are hand drawn and coloured. Whatever the number and variety of components, each drawing consists of a single, continuous line which does not cross and hence (despite appearances) is a folded circle.

OneLinerImage: Celtic garter snakes
22 x 55 cm
Ink and water-based colour on paper
The inspiration for this work was a photo of a belt buckle recovered from the Anglo Saxon ship grave at Sutton Hoo Suffolk England. . The snakes are based on an entwinned group of garter snakes I photographed in Royal Botanic gardens, Ontario, Canada. Because the line is a folded circle, the included space, is continuous. Similarly the external, white, space is continuous, OneLinerImages are unique to me.