2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Zhen-Ting Liu; I-Heng Dai; Po-Ju Chen; Hou-Hsun Ho
Hou-Hsun Ho
Ph.D. Student in Chemistry
Chemistry Department, National Taiwan University
Taipei, Taiwan
The first three authors are undergraduate students who took "Molecular Aesthetics", a general education course at National Taiwan University by Professor Bih-Yaw Jin. The goal of this course to show ways in which traditional craft can draw inspiration from the molecular sciences and ways in which chemistry can use of art to make it more intelligible and interesting, by utilizing hands-on activities based on mathematical beading. The two bead sculptures of 3D immersion of Klein Bottles are our term project for this course, with important contributions provided by Hou-Hsun Ho, the TA of the course.

Bead model of Klein bottle fullerene
12 x 7 x 5 cm
6mm plastic beads

Bead model of triple Klein bottle fullerene
15 x 15 x 5 cm
6mm plastic beads