2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Marcella Giulia Lorenzi and Biagio Di Carlo and Sandra Leone
Biagio Di Carlo
Architect at my own 'Design Science Studio'
Pescara (Italy)
During the Art and Science project, Biagio Di Carlo, Architect and former professor, was invited by Marcella Giulia Lorenzi, artist, Chair of the project and Sandra Leone, Art Director, to make a bamboo structure, using the reciprocal joint of Leonardo da Vinci. The "Mauro Francaviglia" Cultural association is dedicated to the memory of Mauro Francaviglia, Marcella's late husband and collaborator, Professor at Universities of Turin and of Calabria, friend of the late Bridges Chair Reza Sarahangi: they met during Bridges and other conferences and were organizing to host one in Italy. The Project is in collaboration with Calabria Region (2014-2020 Pac fundings, year 2019) and Museum of Copper and ancient crafts in Tessano-Dipignano.

Dome built using Leonardo da Vinci reciprocal frame joint
280 x 560 x 560 cm
Bamboo, electrical clamps