2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Paula Krieg
I’m an artist who makes books and teaches book arts, and I've become surprisingly besotted with an earlier love, math, which expands the range of ideas I can explore through drawings and paper constructions. I’ve been especially captivated by the mathematical principles embedded in the structure of the Chinese thread books called Zhen Xian Bao. These are diminutive, decorative, handmade containers that begin as slim folders—or so they appear—which open up to reveal a series of layered, flattened boxes. After studying the many variations of the traditional form, designed to store sewing supplies, I'm now experimenting with new versions, bringing together my interest in geometric patterns, tessellated folds and functional design.

Hidden Boxes for the Math Artist
17 x 42 x 12 cm
Paper, Denim, Thread, Glue