2021 Joint Mathematics Meetings
László Vörös
As a graduate architect teaching descriptive geometry and CAD, I research and apply relationships between art and geometry. Spatial reconstruction of pictures and patterns or of impossible figures as well as depictions and projections of spatial forms even into impossible figures provide possibilities for creation, discoveries and cognition.

6Dcube-3Dfractal-2Dintersection-cube pattern_Spring
The 3D models of the 6D cube and of its lower dimensional parts give the initial stones. These can be rebuilt with the same stones and this process can be repeated. The compound elements create a fractal like structure that is a periodical space-filling mosaic i.e. tessellation and its planar intersections can give any number of plane-tiling patterns. A moving plane makes possible to create animations of patterns transforming into each other: http://geometria.mik.pte.hu/videok.html

The 3D models of the 7D cube and of its lower dimensional parts create a periodical space-filling mosaic i.e. tessellation and its planar intersections can give any number of plane-tiling patterns. A moving plane makes possible to create animations of patterns transforming into each other: http://geometria.mik.pte.hu/videok.html