2022 Bridges Conference

Karen Amanda Harris


Karen Amanda Harris

Intercultural Communications Trainer; Language Development Tutor

University of the Arts London

London, UK




Mathematics, for me, is a spiritual practice. To engage in mathematical study is to travel into strange and mystical lands, to explore the very fabric of reality and illusion, and to uncover secrets which hold even deeper secrets within them. When I set to work with a pencil, ruler, compasses, or other tools, it is in a spirit of both discipline and playfulness. The connection of lines and circles on the paper can suddenly lead to three-dimensionality, or an unexpected glimpse into infinity. These images are given life with richly toned markers, gel pens and ink liners. I choose colours with the same combination of artistic freedom and mathematical precision that I use for the initial outline - creating an intricate and glimmering world.


Image for entry 'Architectural Abstraction'

Architectural Abstraction

30 x 21 cm

ProMarker, gel pen and ink liner on watercolour paper


There is great creative joy in deciding where and how to connect points and lines. In this piece, the architecture, ground and sky are geometrically aligned to one another. The initial focus is the large equilateral triangle. Its criss-crossing straight lines create a 3D warp effect, a Reuleaux Triangle emerging from the illusory curve. The triangle’s left and right sides form a hypotenuse against the skyscrapers: the outermost cells of the triangle align with the skyscraper windows, vertex to vertex. The cells dwarf the windows, pushing the skyscrapers into the background. Moreover, the skyscraper sides open out at 90° from the triangle edge; its lines continue in the foreground, creating a pattern of advancing triangles and rhomboids.