I've been making digital art for over eleven years, starting with bored attempts to draw geometric shapes in MS Paint in a middle school computer lab, and escalating quickly. Through high school my work was usually abstract symmetries and geometries of both space and color. Since beginning university my work has typically blended mathematical, scientific, and natural images. Even more recently the need to portray mathematics precisely has necessitated coding to generate images, but artistic details are often still added manually. The more math I learn the more I want to be able to portray it, and the more art I make, the more math I find myself wanting to learn to explain the patterns that arise naturally in the process.
Snow Dragons
35 x 28 cm
Digital Art
The koch curve can be generated by repeatedly replacing each segment by four smaller segments, and the dragon curve can be generated by repeatedly replacing each segment by two smaller segments. In this piece, I used Processing to create hybrid curves which use some of both segment replacement styles. All curves began on the same initial segment, then followed one of the 8 ways to choose either dragon- or koch-style replacement at each of three steps, then they cycle through those three steps three more times. Each curve has gone through 12 segment replacement steps. The lines in the background connect curves whose three initial replacement types differ in exactly one place.
Skew Dragons
50 x 40 cm
Digital Art
The dragon curve can be generated by repeatedly replacing individual line segments with two other line segments, which create a 45:45:90 triangle with the original line segment. I used Processing to generate "skew" dragon curves, where the segment replacement instead creates x:(90-x):90 triangles, for x from 35 to 55 degrees, at 2 degree intervals. Similar patterns emerge as x gets larger or smaller, but the overall curves for large and small x are still rather different. These curves have gone through 20 segment replacement steps. The "canonical" dragon curve appears in both the bottom left and top right.