2022 Joint Mathematics Meetings
Bjoern Muetzel
Bjoern Muetzel
Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Department of Mathematics, Eckerd College
St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
I am a mathematician working in the area of low dimensional geometry and topology. I have always been fascinated by the intersection of math and art and especially by the numerous beautiful patterns found in nature. To convey and disseminate this enchantment, I organize geometry activities for children in nearby schools using a variety of geometric shapes and tiles.

By the sea I
15 x 25 cm
Digital print
The curve in this picture is generated by rotating a point on the sphere around two of the coordinate axes at the same time at different angular velocities. A large variety of interesting curves can be generated this way. For this curve the ratio of the angular velocities is 3:7.To add a surreal effect to this computer generated image I put a soap bubble inside the sphere and placed it near the sea coast.

By the sea II
15 x 25 cm
Digital print
This curve is generated by rotating a point on the sphere around the three coordinate axes at the same time, where the ratio of the angular velocities is 2:6:9. To give this computer generated image a more dreamlike quality I put a glass sphere inside the curve and placed it near the beach.