
Andy Huss

Assistant Professor of Art

Hendrix College

Conway, Arkansas, USA


I create sculpture inspired by various branches of geometry. Recently gyroids and the surrounding negative space have held my interest. With this piece I've embedded a unit cell of a triply periodic minimal surface (Schwarz CLP) within a cube and then rendered the surrounding negative space. The unit cell is cast in bronze and the two corresponding negative spaces are cast in aluminum. These pieces cannot be created separately and assembled, as they are interlocked. They all must be cast at the same time in the same mold. I find the technical aspects of creating this work as well as the interplay between these similar forms fascinating,


Image for entry 'Manifold Parcel'

Manifold Parcel

20.0 x 20.0 x 20.0 cm

bronze and aluminum


This sculpture illustrates the relationship between a triply periodic minimal surface and the two negatives spaces formed when imbedded in a cube. This piece reminds me of a package wrapped with a fancy ribbon. In order to fully appreciate the work, the viewer is encouraged to pick up and play with the piece to see the entangled forms within. Like any wrapped present, the contents remain a mystery until revealed. The submitted photo shows the finished piece along with the three individual shapes that interlock to create the work.