2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Elaine Rumsey Wagner
Elaine Rumsey Wagner
Professor of Mathematics
Mathematics Department, Brigham Young University - Idaho
Rexburg, Idaho, USA
As a mathematician, artist, and teacher I understand that mathematical concepts are beautiful, and much of mathematical thinking is grounded in visual processing. For some however, the beauty of mathematics can seem inaccessible. With my sculpture, I hope to convey the beauty and complexity of the irrational number pi through an accessible visual medium. Through my art, I strive to connect the power of art and the beauty of mathematics.

Copper Pi Sphere
90.0 x 45.0 x 45.0 cm
copper, recycled plastic, paper mache
This sculpture conveys the beauty and complexity of the irrational number pi through an accessible visual medium. The sculpture has over 650 copper rods embedded into the sphere. The length of each rod represents the different values of each digit of pi. The rods spiral around the sphere in a rhythmic pattern to reflect non-repeating, infinite nature of the digits of pi. Through my art, I strive to connect the power of art and the beauty of mathematics.