2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Elizabeth Sydnor
I have always enjoyed art and folding origami, and am fascinated with the different ways two seemingly separate fields, math and art, can be intwined. I have been experimenting with combining darkroom photographic processes and origami to create interesting images and patterns.

9.5 x 10.0 x 8.0 cm
Foam, paper, silver gelatin photo prints, wire
This work started with a simple curiosity for what stellated origami shapes would look like if made into photograms (made by placing objects on paper before quickly exposing to light). The fluidlike patterns reminded me of nature and plants, but also of how unit pieces can be combined into larger and larger shapes. The Bascetta Star units I used can be combined in groups of three to make a triangular pyramid. Looking at the the base of the pyramids rather than the stellated shapes, various deltahedra can be seen. I wanted to compare seeds and flowering plants to the triangle and regular deltahedra like the octahedron and icosahedron. I projected the flowers and seeds both backwards and down with the two photograms.