2023 Bridges Conference Art Exhibition
Ellen Thompson
Ellen Thompson
Mathematics Head of Department
St. Johns-Ravenscourt
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
I have always been a creative mathematician. At 4 years old, my favorite activity was glueing macaroni on construction paper to create designs. Over the years, I have dabbled many mediums - needlepoints, watercolor, paper crafts, etc, but I recently started beading after attending a workshop on Metis beading in November 2022. I am constantly drawn to the geometric and symmetrical nature of the craft. I love having a creative outlet for the daily stresses of being a full-time high school math teacher.

beaded kaleidocycle
2.5 x 7.0 x 7.0 cm
size 11 & 15 delica beads
This beaded kaleidocycle brings me joy! A kaleidocycle is a flexible polyhedron made from six connected tetrahedrons. In total 24 beaded triangles were used to create this design. The kaleidocycle can be continuously manipulated using the coinciding edges (or hinges) to create 4 different faces: each one a different geometric pattern. The materials used are size 11 and 15 delica beads in 10 different colours. It creates an infinite loop where the user can cycle through the four different patterns and enjoy the symmetry and colors.